John 3:16 Expounded

John 3:16 Expounded

For God

The Creator, Infinite, Sovereign Being

So loved

Love: to accept regardless of faults, to provide what can not be attained by self, outwardly expressed sincere affection.

The World

All people regardless of color, creed, belief, or orientation: Jew, Gentile, Muslim, or Infidel.

That He gave

Provide a gift, freely given, without expectation of recompense or servitude.

His Only Begotten Son

Jesus, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, walked thirty-three years on this earth as a man, experiencing all human existence and temptation, yet without sin.

That Whosoever

Anyone, everyone, all-inclusive, members of humanity

Believeth in Him

To place all faith in His finished work of salvation, to believe He is the son of God, crucified for all, died willingly, pouring out his blood for the remission of our sins, and rose from the grave three days later according to prophecy, ascended up to Heaven to sit at the right hand of

God the Father.

Should not perish

Face eternal separation from God, to spend all of eternity in the Lake of Fire.

But have everlasting life

Eternity in Heaven, praising the Son, residing forever in a mansion made by the nail-pierced hands of the One who gave His life, enduring the death of the cross, that we may live. Paradise.

John 3:16


John 3:16 Expounded

(KJV) Verse written by God

All remaining content ©May2008 Marge Conrad

If you share this piece with others, please retain copyright mark.

God bless you!



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